
Budget - The Get By GuideLearn how to follow a budget early in life. Your budget must include a reasonable allowance for you and your spouse. At a minimum, this allowance should give you enough money to drive to work every day. Preferably, it will give you more than that.

Each paycheck, pay your spouse and yourself an equal allowance and pay your bills. Any leftover money can go to groceries, miscellaneous expenses, and savings. Do not waste time arguing over who drives more, who makes more, who needs to eat out more often, who has the kids more, etc. Just make the allowances equal and quit worrying about what your spouse is spending their money on. Having personal money can put an end to much bitterness and many arguments between a couple. If you are the big spender, you do not get to constantly bum money off your spouse. If you need more than you are getting, search The Get By Guide to find some side work to do or ways to save money to make up the difference.

There are many people that offer advice on budgeting. Dave Ramsey has several books and classes available.

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